How Safe Is Your Home Whilst You’re On Holiday?

Home Safety Infographic

Houses on a sunny day

As a result of our unpredictable summer weather, many of us pack up and jet off in search of sunnier climates. As important as it is to throw out the milk, empty the bins and switch off electricity, it’s also important to ensure your vacant home is safe while you are away.

Our Top Tips For Securing Your Home

We've put together some super home security tips, so you can spend all your energy enjoying your break, not worrying about your prized possessions back home:

Be Careful Who You Tell

It sounds awful, but you should be careful who you tell about your holiday plans. If you don't know someone well enough to trust them, then the best advice is to keep your plans to yourself. This tip also applies to social media. Think before you go sharing all your holiday plans.

Check Your Home Insurance

It may seem like the obvious option but we always recommend you make sure to check your home insurance policy before you leave. Make sure that you're happy with all of your cover details before you leave and, perhaps most importantly, make sure that your cover is not due to expire while you're away.

If your home insurance is up for renewal soon then our home insurance quote will help you to compare what policies are out there.

Phone a Friend

It's worth letting a friend, trusted neighbour or family member know that you won't be at home for a few days and seeing if they can help out by bringing your post in, closing curtains and blinds, and turning on the lights when it's dark. If your neighbour can make your house look lived in then you're onto a winner.

Lock Up Everything

Never leave anything on view either outside or inside your home. Make sure all items such as gardening tools and lawnmowers are safely locked away and all windows and doors are securely closed. You can never be too careful!

Chill's Home Safety Infographic

Back in 2016, we surveyed 550 Irish holiday goers to find out what they do to keep their home safe whilst away, which came up with some surprising stats. Take a look at our infographic below and see what they are, along with some tips on keeping your home safe, easing any worries whilst on holiday.

Home Safety Infographic