Protecting Your Business in Winter

Keep your business safe


It is important to make sure your business is safe at all costs. However, very few think about the damage that the weather can do. We have provided a checklist to help you prepare for the winter months.

Building damage

As we come into the cooler months, of the year it is important to ensure you are prepared for the unpredictable Irish weather. For instance, the damage to buildings caused by snow and ice could include:

  • Impaired ventilation systems.
  • Freezing unheated buildings.
  • Failing of roof drainage systems due to the drainage freezing over or becoming blocked.
  • Rainfall along with melting snow can effect the drainage system of a building, by overflowing which could result in flooding.
  • Have you considered the possibilty of significant snowfall this year? Or the decrease in temperature? These are important areas to look at when protecting your business this winter.

    Storm damage

    With the recent storms and high winds, it is important to take into consideration the possibility of your building being damaged by a major storm. For instance, storm Abigail had winds of up to 120km/h in some parts of the country. Such high winds can not only affect people who are caught in the middle of it, but it can also result in property damage due to flying debris. This is especially a concern for buildings that are already in a state of poor maintenance.


    As mentioned above, with the growing possibility of heavy rain, winds and snow this winter, it is important to take the necessary precautions in the event of flooding. In 2011, we saw major flooding to Europe’s biggest shopping centre, Dundrum Town Centre, which not only disrupted the public, but many business owners. Have you considered the flood risks to your premises? If so, ask yourself have you taken the necessary precautions to prevent your business being damaged?

    We hope that you take these points into consideration and stay safe this winter. The last thing we want to hear is our customer making a claim in the case of an unfortunate weather event. However, should you have any queries or if you want to find out more about the various policies we offer for business owners you can call us on 01 400 3400 or get a quick quote above.